Herausgeber: Willibald Lutz
Die große Folksong-Collection
- Verlagsnr. 4700
- ISMN: 979-0-2045-4700-5
- Umfang 60 Seiten
- Erscheinungsjahr 2002
- Editionsart Spielpartitur
- Besetzung Blockflötenquartett (SATB)
- Herausgeber Lutz, Willibald
- Schwierigkeitsgrad leicht bis mittelschwer
- Alabama-John Cherokee
- Alas my Love (Greensleeves)
- A Long Time Ago
- A Londonderry Air
- Amazing Grace
- As I Was Walking
- Autumn Comes
- Annie Laurie
- De Camptown Ladies
- By Yon Bonnie Banks
- Ev'ry Person In The Nation
- Deep The Silence
- For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
- Gone Are The Days
- Good Night, Ladies
- Gonna Lay Down My Burden
- Geburtstagslied
- Go, Tell It On The Mountain
- Hang Down Your Head
- He's Got The Whole World
- I'll Sing You A Song
- In A Cavern
- I Come From Alabama
- In The Dark Of The Winter
- It's A Long Way To Tipperary
- Johnny Come Down To Hilo
- I've Been A Wild Rover
- Kum Ba Yah, My Lord
- Lost My Partner
- My Bonnie Is Over The Ocean
- Love, Oh Love
- Gälische Volksweise (16. Jh.)
- Michael, Row The Boat Ashore
- Oh, Where Have You Been
- Old Abe Lincoln
- Oh, Give Me A Home
- Oh, Nobody Knows
- Oh, Say Were You Ever In Rio Grande
- Oh, When The Saints
- Old Mac Donald
- Should Auld Acquaintance
- Sweet Kitty Clover
- Sweet Sixteen
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- The Gospel Train
- The Hunt Is Up
- The Keeper Would Ahunting Go
- There Is A House In New Orleans
- There's Music In The Air
- There's A Yellow Rose In Texas
- Way Down Upon the Swanee River
- What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor
- When Israel Was In Egypt's Land
- When Are We Gonna Get Married
- Yankee Doodle