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Concerto op. 35 | Oskar Rieding | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Oskar Rieding
Concerto op. 35
Viola and piano  
From practice for practice: ‘dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments to standard works for various instruments, which also offer piano players without a degree the opportunity to accompany their pupils, children, friends, etc. Often only the first movement of this standard work of violin literature is used in lessons. We have therefore decided to indicate the level of difficulty as ‘3’. Despite the simplifications, the last movement is rather more difficult. On the other hand, the accompaniment with the left hand only is attractive from a musical point of view. Some of the repeated quavers/sixteenth notes have been notated with abbreviations. These repetitions can, but do not have to be played. The edition contains QR codes to playalongs in various tempi with the original piano setting. Level of difficulty 3* : Fingerings may need to be entered and practised * For the most part, it is sufficient to play the left hand (in lessons). The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘ISSUE (please select)’.
€11.00 *
Concerto in G major TWV51:G9 | Georg Philipp Telemann | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Georg Philipp Telemann
Concerto in G major TWV51:G9
Viola and piano  
From practice for practice: ‘dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann to standard works for various instruments, which also offer pianists without a degree the opportunity to accompany their pupils, children, friends etc.. In keeping with the intention of this series of editions to provide simplified piano accompaniments, no pedagogical entries are added to the part of the solo instrument. The aim is to simplify the piano part as much as possible. The arrangements therefore do not claim to be original or musicological. The editor and publisher feel the need to clearly point this out, especially in the case of this concerto by Telemann. Here, an examination of the performance practice of the Baroque period is required in order to be able to appropriately organise and embellish the basic structure of the solo part offered here. The edition contains QR codes for play-alongs in various tempi with the original piano setting. Level of difficulty 3 : Fingerings may need to be entered and practised The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’.
€11.50 *
Concertino in the Hungarian manner,op. 21 in A minor | Oskar Rieding | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Oskar Rieding
Concertino in the Hungarian manner,op. 21 in A minor
Viola and piano  
Rieding works a great deal with pedalling. To simplify matters, these entries have been completely omitted. Level of difficulty 3 : Fingerings may have to be entered and practised The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€11.00 *
Giga (Gigue) from sonata op. 2,7 | Francesco Maria Veracini | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Francesco Maria Veracini
Giga (Gigue) from sonata op.2, 7
Viola and piano  
The giga of this sonata is taken from the ‘12 Sonate accademiche’ for violin and bc. Level of difficulty 2* : must be looked at before the lesson, practised before the concert * for the most part it is sufficient to play the left hand (in the lesson) The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€9.00 *
Cantabile | Niccolò Paganini | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Niccolò Paganini
Viola and piano  
From practice for practice: ‘dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann to standard works for various instruments, which also offer piano players without a degree the opportunity to accompany their pupils, children, friends etc.. This ‘Cantabile’ is the only composition that Paganini wrote for violin and piano. The markings and execution are his own. Level of difficulty 2* : must be looked at before the lesson, practised before the concert * it is mostly sufficient to play the left hand (in lessons) The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€9.00 *
Perpetuo Mobile No. 6 from ‘Little Suite’ | Carl Bohm | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Carl Bohm
Perpetuo Mobile No. 6 from ‘Little Suite’
Viola and piano  
Simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann from practice for practice. ‘Dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments to standard works for various instruments, which also offer pianists without a degree the opportunity to accompany their pupils, children, friends etc. Bohm originally composed ‘Perpetuo mobile’ for violin in D major. Level of difficulty 3* : Fingerings may need to be entered and practised. * For the most part, it is sufficient to play the left hand (in class). The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€9.00 *
Long, long Ago | Thomas Haynes Bayly | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Thomas Haynes Bayly
Long, Long Ago
Viola and piano  
Simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann from practice for practice. ‘Dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments to standard works for various instruments, which also offer piano players without a degree the opportunity to accompany their pupils, children, friends etc. Difficulty level 1* : Beginners, can be sight-read * For the most part, it is sufficient to play the left hand in lessons The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€8.00 *
L'abeille (The bee) | François Schubert | Heinrichshofen publishing house
François Schubert
L'abeille (The bee)
Viola and piano  
The ‘dumb it down’ series offers simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann to works for violin, viola, violoncello, flute, clarinet and other instruments. L'abeille (The Bee) is included as No. 9 in the Bagatelles op. 13 for violin and piano, a collection of individual pieces composed between 1856 and 1862. This quasi-perpetuum mobile, composed in 1860, was written by François Schubert, who lived in Dresden all his life and should not be confused with his famous Austrian namesake Franz Schubert. The edition contains QR codes to playalongs in various tempi with the original piano setting. Difficulty level 1 : beginner, can be played at sight The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€9.90 *
Rapsodia piccola für Viola und Klavier
Klaus Hinrich Stahmer
Rapsodia piccola für Viola und Klavier
€15.90 *
Pastorale from Concerto Grosso op. 6, no. 8 ‘Per la Notte di Nattale' | Arcangelo Corelli | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Arcangelo Corelli
Pastorale from Concerto Grosso op. 6, no. 8 ‘Per la Notte...
2 violas and piano  
The series ‘dumb it down’ offers simplified piano accompaniments to works for violin, viola, violoncello, flute, clarinet and other instruments. This piece was originally composed for two violins and orchestra (Christmas concerto). Level of difficulty 1 : Beginner, can be sight-read The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€9.00 *
Susi and Eddi viola school | volume 2 | Anja Elsholz | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Anja Elsholz
Susi and Eddi viola school | volume 2
Viola (Bratsche)  
For individual and group lessons ‘Playing the viola is fun!’ remains the motto of the 2nd volume of the viola school for children. In a playful way, students learn the second and third fingerings in the first position, expand their melodic and ensemble playing skills, practise double stops, slurs and the portato bowing technique and deepen their knowledge of music theory. Children's songs, traditionals and canons, which sit alongside the classical works, encourage singing along and increase motivation. The funny little monkeys are once again at the viola students' side and ensure that even small learning steps remain exciting. Child-friendly pictures and notes support the learning process.
€15.50 *
L'Autunno (The autumn), op.8,Nr.3 ,RV 293 | Antonio Vivaldi | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Antonio Vivaldi
L'autunno (The autumn) op.8 Nr. 3 RV 293
Viola and piano  
From practice for practice: ‘dumb it down’ is a series of simplified piano accompaniments by Philip Lehmann to standard works for various instruments, which also offer piano players without a degree the opportunity to accompany their students, children, friends etc. Level of difficulty 3 : Fingerings may have to be entered and practised. The edition is also available as a pdf file. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Issue (please select)’
€11.50 *
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